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Brady & Tara - Mornings CHYM 96.7!

Brady, Adele & Tara : Samuel L. Jackson Wants To Be Your Acting Teacher.

Originally Aired: October 25, 2017

Brady, Adele & Tara : Samuel L. Jackson Wants To Be Your Acting Teacher.

Samuel L. Jackson wants to be your acting teacher. The movie star is the latest celeb to join the MasterClass staff. His acting class will feature more than 20 video lessons on how to break down a script, leverage their voice, embody characters, improve their auditioning skills, and collaborate in the industry. “In my MasterClass, I hope students learn that there’s no limit to what they can make-believe,” Jackson says. “By the end, they’ll be able to walk into a room, present their best self, and be happy with the result.” Jackson's class will cost a one-time $90 fee