I want your pumpkins!
When Halloween is over, I would love if you could help me, help the animals!
Thursday, November 1st, drop off your UNPAINTED (remember animals will eat these) pumpkins, at The Boardwalk, starting at 9am to 7:30pm.
Bins will be set up in the foyer – beside The Rogers Store – for your pumpkins, gourds & squash. 
Also needed and accepted fruit and vegetables – greens, melons, apples, carrots (no onion, white potatoes, or eggplant). Large round and small square bales of hay, Small square bales of straw (for bedding) and to help the animals stay warm old blankets, towels and even rugs!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 
xo Sandra
Filed under: Sandra’s Pumpkin Roundup