Jessica Biel popped in on The Ellen DeGeneres Show to catch up and share a glimpse into home life with hubby Justin Timberlake and their two sons Silas, 6 and Phineas, 10 months.

Jessica opened up about how both she and Justin aren’t getting any sleep since little Phineas started teething.  She joked, that the reason babies are so cute, are so that you still have patience with them when they keep you up at night.

The couple has tried sleep training with the Phineas, but they didn’t try it with Silas.  Jessica said, her and Justin were too nervous with their first child to try sleep training but, felt a lot more confident to try it with their second child.

Jessica describes having two children as a wild, crazy, fun ride saying, “one child is a lot, but having two is 1000.”

Justin’s and Jessica’s sons seem to get along with each other so well, in fact, they find each other hilarious so. they are constantly laughing at each other.

Jessica told a story about how, in efforts to impress her Silas, Jessica jumped into a bush to retrieve one of his toys, and although her little one was less than impressed, the photo of Jessica in a bush will crack you up!  Watch the video below to see!